
Are You Leaving Money Behind: A Quick Guide to Microsoft Business Applications Incentives

Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Reading time: 5 minutes

In today’s dynamic business landscape, staying ahead requires strategic thinking, innovation, and the ability to adapt swiftly to evolving trends. For Microsoft Business Applications partners seeking to amplify their business potential and deliver exceptional value to customers, integrating Partner Incentives into your business strategy can be a game-changer. In this blog post, we’ll delve into how you can leverage partner incentives to supercharge your growth trajectory and enhance customer satisfaction.

Key Takeaways for FY24 (October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024):

Unveiling Microsoft's Commerce Incentives Program

In the fast-paced world of technology, partnerships and collaborations are essential for success. Microsoft understands the value of its partners and has introduced the Commerce Incentives program to recognize and reward their contributions. This program offers a range of benefits and opportunities for partners who actively engage with Microsoft’s solutions and services.

Commerce Incentives Program Overview

Microsoft’s Commerce Incentives program is designed to motivate and reward partners for their dedicated efforts and contributions. The program consists of several components, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. Core Incentives: Core incentives are at the heart of the Commerce Incentives program. They serve as a fundamental way to reward partners for their active participation and achievements within the program. These incentives are more than just recognition; they directly contribute to a partner’s revenue and profitability.
  2. Customer Add Accelerate: Customer add accelerate is another essential component of the program. It provides additional incentives to partners who successfully bring new customers into the Microsoft ecosystem. Partners can earn rewards for expanding Microsoft’s customer base.
  3. Global Strategic Product Accelerator: The Global Strategic Product Accelerator is an exciting element of the program. It focuses on specific Microsoft products like Business Central and Sales Enterprise. Partners who promote and sell these strategic products can earn accelerated incentives, making it an attractive option for those specializing in these areas.

Translating Incentives into Monetary Benefits

Partners may wonder how these incentives translate into tangible monetary benefits. The answer is simple: these incentives directly impact a partner’s bottom line. They are not just tokens of appreciation; they can significantly boost a partner’s revenue and profitability.

Partners are encouraged to explore these incentives as a means of growing their business and achieving financial success. Whether you’re a seasoned partner or new to the Microsoft ecosystem, the Commerce Incentives program offers valuable opportunities.

Leveraging Co-op Funds

In addition to incentives, let’s briefly mention Co-op funds. Co-op funds represent a financial support opportunity for partners. While the details of Co-op fund utilization may vary, partners can explore how these funds can be used to enhance their business operations.

Requirements for Accessing Incentives:

Accessing the Commerce Incentives program is not automatic. Partners must meet specific requirements to qualify for these benefits. Here are the key eligibility criteria:
  1. Solutions Partner Designation or Legacy Competency: To access the Commerce Incentives program, partners must have either the Solutions Partner Designation or Legacy Competency. These designations serve as a gateway to unlocking the incentives. Partners are encouraged to work towards achieving and maintaining these qualifications to maximize their benefits.
  2. 12-Month Revenue Threshold: Partners are expected to meet a 12-month revenue threshold to be eligible for incentives. This requirement ensures that partners actively engage with Microsoft’s solutions and contribute significantly to the ecosystem. Meeting this threshold demonstrates a commitment to growth and collaboration.


The Commerce Incentives program is proof of Microsoft’s commitment to its partners. It’s a mutually beneficial ecosystem where partners are rewarded for their dedication and contributions. Whether you’re a Solutions Partner or working towards that designation, these incentives can play a pivotal role in your journey with Microsoft.

If you have any questions or need further information about Microsoft’s Commerce Incentives program and how it can benefit your business, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team

We’re here to assist you every step of the way, helping you maximize your incentives and grow your business while delivering exceptional value to your customers.

Germantas Gaurilcikas
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