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[Action required] Make sure you still get Business Central tenant notifications after August 2022!

Thursday, June 2, 2022
Reading time: 3 minutes


You can get notified of administrative events that occur on environments in a Business Central online tenant. For example, Microsoft sends notifications when a major update is available for environments, when an environment update has succeeded or failed, or when extensions require changes to be compatible with an upcoming update. When these and other similar events occur on the tenant, an email is sent to the notification recipients for the tenant. Notifications are sent to all email addresses that are listed in the Notification recipients list of the Business Central administration center. The list is managed manually by adding and removing recipients to ensure the right individuals are notified of the event.

Upcoming changes

In June 2022, Microsoft starts moving this type of notification to the Microsoft 365 Message center. For a while, notifications will be sent both from the Microsoft 365 Message center and the Business Central administration center. In August 2022, Microsoft expects to remove the Notification recipients list from the Business Central administration center, and that will mean that you will no longer receive those notification emails.

Next to email notifications that you can opt in to from the Microsoft 365 admin center, Business Central communications will be shown in the Microsoft 365 Administration mobile app, the Graph API, the Business Central administration center, and the multitenant views in Microsoft 365 admin center for partners.

Required action

Already now, Microsoft recommends that you make sure that the relevant people sign up to receive email notifications from the Message center. For more information, see the article Message center in the Microsoft 365 admin content.

Summary & important considerations

So, in short Microsoft will stop the notifications from the Business Central Admin Center and switches to the Microsoft 365 Message center. There is a short transition period (June – August) where notifications will be sent from both. So, make sure you are added as a recipient in the Microsoft 365 Message center of your customers.

But what if you don’t have access to the Microsoft 365 Message center of your customer? Luckily you can request the Message Center Reader role as part of your GDAP request, so that you can set up email notifications yourself. While GDAP is all about providing partners the least-privileged access, this doesn’t reflect (yet) to the messages coming from the Message Center. So, it seems that a Dynamics 365 Administrator role will get all the messages including the ones not relevant to them. Hopefully Microsoft will adopt the least-privileged theme over here as well by filtering the messages regarding Business Central for example.

Are you new to GDAP, or do you want to know more about it? Please see the blog Everything you need to know about Granular Delegated Admin Privileges (GDAP) plus why and how you should enable it!

William Van Voorthuijsen